
Our most recent Wicked shows.

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Episode 17: All is Fair

Laura wore a black dress, a black hat, and a black veil the day she shot her lover in the chest. The courtroom drama sent the press into a frenzy. Feminists were in her corner, but the conservative spectators wanted to see her hang. Who was the real victim in this sordid affair? All is fair in sex, lies, and murder.

Episode 16: A Rumble in the Jungle Part 2

Her contributions to conservation and primatology can not be denied, but Dian Fossey is anything but a hero for many. She has been called the “last white colonizer” and some feel she should be wiped from textbooks. Was Dian Fossey a tyrant and terrorist? Or did she just lose herself in the mists of Rwanda?  Discover the woman who changed the world’s view on conservation, and possibly murdered for her heavy-handed demands.

Episode 16: A Rumble in the Jungle Part 1

Her contributions to conservation and primatology can not be denied, but Dian Fossey is anything but a hero for many. She has been called the “last white colonizer” and some feel she should be wiped from textbooks. Was Dian Fossey a tyrant and terrorist? Or did she just lose herself in the mists of Rwanda?  Discover the woman who changed the world’s view on conservation, and possibly murdered for her heavy-handed demands. 

Episode 15: Get Your Jollies

She was known as a “master of vices” with a “morbid imagination.” Jane’s macabre fascination with the fine line between life and death did more than pique her interest. It lasciviously excited her. A nurse by trade and mortal mixologist for fun, her morphine and atropine cocktails were garnished with a squeeze of “moral insanity.” Meet Jolly Jane Toppan.

Episode 14: Bobbed It

She came to the land of opportunity as a young woman, naive and eager, determined to succeed. And she did. But not without learning a very hard lesson… Lorena’s story is gut wrenching, her action was wicked. Was the deed deserved? Her tale is proof some will never change.

Episode 13: Eat Your Puddin’

A little scripture and a splash of arsenic are the secret ingredients in Blanche’s famous Banana Pudding. She’s been on death row for thirty years, North Carolina’s oldest death row inmate, and one of only two women currently condemned to death in the state. Is Blanche Taylor Moore a cold-blooded killer? Or just a misunderstood victim of male adoration… 

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